Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mother's Day Rant

I don't consider myself overly political. I'm sort of middle conservative. But Mother's Day really gets my hackles up, so here is my rant....

I want to start a campaign to end the take over of Mother's Day by the Pink Brigade, (aka Breast Cancer awareness media machine.)

The Pink Brigade has the whole month of October for making us all ware pink. The Fourth Monday of that month is "Breast Cancer Awareness Day". Do they need to hijack Mother's day too?

I might feel differently if my mother died from this awful disease, or anyone else close to me. I have some cousins who are survivors, and a very close friend who also is a survivor. I was happy to support them and pray for them during their illness. And I think if I asked any of my friends over 25 if they know someone who battled this disease, they would all say yes. So, we are aware all ready!

And, how much is gained by professional baseball players using pink gloves and bats on that day? I just think it looks silly.

I would direct you to the website: Mindful Mothers - www.mindful-mama.com, under thrive, archive; look at the post of April 30, 2009, Making Mother's Day Meaningful. It gives a short history of Mother's day, and how it was founded by a proclamation by the woman who wrote the Battle Hymn of the Republic, to inspire mothers for peace between the States after the Civil War.

Now, marching for Peace, supporting struggling mothers in our country or around the world I can get behind on Mother's Day! Let's think of the children, and help women be better Moms. The world needs this more than grown men swinging a bright pink bat to the outfielder and his neon pink mit. Or any other of the pink foolishness surrounding this coming Sunday.

And so I begin my campaign with this post. Send cards, have a picnic, do something you really love doing, even take a nap. Kiss your Mom, Kiss your kids, make a donation to a charity for kids and Mom's in your area, if you are so inclined. Sit back with a good book, your favorite beverage and enjoy the day. You deserve it.

Next year I will spread the word wider. This year I will be enjoying my view of the pansy pots.

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